I was looking at my site and didn’t see much on Alaska!
The Copper River, from Chitina to Flag Point (near Cordova) is one of my all-time favorite float trips. I first went down it with a friend in fiberglass kayaks in September, 1969. I’ve tried to float it every couple of years ever since.

We usually float it as a five day trip, giving time to get off the river before the afternoon winds build up, and to explore around camp. I’ll try to do a bit more on this page at some point, but feel free to contact me if you want to talk about this. Campsites, logistics, Abercrombie Rapids, etc.

Logistics are complicated; while some might fly out of ‘Mudhole’ Smith Airport in Cordova, most of us cross Prince William Sound on the Alaska Marine Ferry with all the equipment very carefully loaded onto one van!